Are you experiencing a significant increase in your energy bills? Are you searching for the most energy-efficient exterior door to boost the energy efficiency of your home? You are not alone; many homeowners search for the ideal energy-efficient exterior door to install in their homes. If you are planning a door replacement project, read further.
1. Steel Doors
The steel doors are beautiful and durable. They are also energy efficient with their thermal insulation property. However, steel is a good conductor. If you touch a steel door, you will feel the hotness or coldness of the ambient temperature. With that drawback, you may not choose a steel door for your exterior door replacement.
2. Vinyl Doors
Vinyl doors are an excellent exterior door replacement option. This type of doors is energy efficient and offers excellent thermal insulation. Vinyl doors block external cold air or heat from entering the house. Besides, they retain the exterior temperature. It is also pleasant to know that vinyl doors are low temperature and durable.
3. Fiberglass Doors
If you are looking for the perfect door for your exterior door replacement project, fiberglass doors are an excellent solution. Fiberglass does not conduct heat, cold, or electricity. As a result, fiberglass doors offer higher thermal resistance and energy efficiency than other types of exterior doors. They are weather-resistant and low maintenance. Fiberglass doors provide a great value when you are considering the best exterior door replacement option.
4. Wooden Doors
The wooden door used to be the most common choice decades ago. But recent findings have proved that wooden doors are the least energy-efficient among all materials used for making doors. Wooden doors absorb heat and allow heat to flow into the home or outside the house. This causes the HVAC unit to work harder to heat or cool your home. Also, they are subject to warping, cracking, and losing their appeal over time. Although they can be infused with polyurethane foam to increase their energy efficiency, they are not the most suitable door replacement option.
5. Glass Doors
If you love exterior doors with glass panes, you can have energy-efficient glass doors made for you. They will be made with glass having a low E-coating to reflect the most heat from your home. They are aesthetic and can be adequately weather-stripped to boost the overall energy efficiency level.
Vinyl doors and fiberglass doors are the best exterior door replacement options for you. They may cost higher than other types; they will save you more money from energy bills.