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Organize Your Space for Long-Term Tidiness

Having a clean home is an essential task in life, but it can sometimes seem overwhelming. To make the task easier, try breaking it down into small tasks and habit changes. Adding these simple practices to your regular routine will help you keep your living space looking neat and tidy:

Regularly performing quick cleans and sweeping

Keeping your house clean and neat can be a great way to keep your home healthy, beautiful, and free from clutter. One way to achieve this is to regularly perform quick cleans throughout the day. Utilizing a few moments here or there to put away items, wipe the kitchen counter of crumbs, brush stray dog hairs off the furniture, and sweep up messes on the floor instantly will greatly help in keeping your home looking tidier. Spending a bit of time regularly on quick cleans throughout the day can make it easier when it comes time for deeper cleaning sessions as well. Plus, you’ll be much prouder when you invite guests into your clean and organized sanctuary!

Allowing for designated storage spaces for each item

One important step in the effort to keep a home cleaner and neater is to designate specific storage areas for all items. Instead of placing living room items, like toys and books, throughout the house, make sure each item finds its own home. For example, it can be helpful to establish an area for coats and jackets by the front door, specific locations for books and magazines in the family room or bedrooms, and designated closet spaces for shoes or other accessories. With this system in place, not only will it be easier to locate various items within a household but also to minimize the clutter that could otherwise accumulate around the home.

Delegating cleaning duties to family members; purging unnecessary items from the space 

Keeping your home cleaner and neater can be a daunting task, but delegating cleaning duties to family members is an excellent strategy for achieving this goal. Each family member should have specific tasks that they are responsible for completing daily or weekly in order to keep the home clean and tidy. In addition to delegating smaller tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc., it is also important to eliminate unnecessary items from the home. Consider donating items you haven’t used in a while or discarding items you no longer need. By purging these items and implementing a routine of daily and weekly cleaning tasks, family members will help keep the home cleaner and neater over time.

Wash bedding and linens frequently

Keeping our homes clean and neat can help us live healthier and happier lives. One of the best ways to ensure a clean and fresh home is to frequently wash bedding and linens. Changing and washing sheets, quilts, blankets, pillowcases, curtains, and other fabric items every two weeks can help eliminate more than just dust and dirt; frequent laundering can also eradicate allergens from the air you breathe, making your bedroom a much healthier place to sleep. For those of us without the time or energy for all that laundry, consider setting daily reminders in your phone so you don’t forget — then, when it’s time to change the bedding again, marvel at how clean your room looks afterward!

Replacing air filters when necessary

Properly maintaining your home’s furnace and air filters is a great way to keep your house clean and neat. Air filters help keep allergens, dust, and other airborne particles from infiltrating your home’s air supply. When an air filter becomes clogged, it can cause slow air flow, meaning your furnace has to work harder and electricity bills can increase due to inefficient use of energy. Replacing an old or clogged filter with a new one provides many benefits – improved efficiency, increased air quality, and longer-lasting parts. Additionally, the extra effort of changing out the filter yourself will save you time and money in the long run.

Avoid clutter build-up and daily tidying 

Clutter build-up can make any home look messy and disorganized. An easy way to reduce clutter is to apply the ‘one object in, one object out’ rule: for every item that enters your home, be sure another item leaves. This might include donating unwanted items, throwing away trash, and recycling old packaging materials. To keep your home cleaner and tidier, take a few minutes each week to sort through drawers and shelves – this will help to prevent piles of paper or clothing from accumulating. You should also get into the habit of putting things back where they belong right after using them so that clutter doesn’t have the chance to build up over time. Taking small steps like these will help you create an organized and clutter-free living environment in no time.

Consider investing in a water softener

Keeping your home neat and tidy can be an ongoing challenge, but investing in a water softener installation in Kaysville can help make it easier to maintain a clean house. Through water softening, you can eliminate water spots and residue on surfaces that have been washed with hard water. Not only does this save time when it comes to cleaning tasks around the house, but it also prevents water-borne staining or mineral deposits. Further benefits of water softening include increased efficiency of water-using appliances and softer skin after showering or bathing in softer water. Installing a water softener is worth considering if you are looking for ways to keep your home cleaner and neater.


With a few simple steps, you’ll soon be able to keep your home clean, sanitary, and free of clutter.
